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Santa Cruz Bullit 3 R Carbon CC MX €5.500,00
Scott Aspect 950 Yellow 29" €850,00
Poc Procen Air €400,00
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It’s nice to breathe new life into old things, apply a little spit-and-polish, and watch shiny chrome emerge as you vigorously apply the rag to the rust-speckled fenders of that old Schwinn. With just a little care and maintenance, a bicycle will reward you with a shockingly long lifespan.

Do you have dreams of going on a bicycle tour? Are you thinking about cycling across your home state? Exploring a foreign country on your bike? Or even pedaling your bicycle all the way around the world?

The best bike to use is the one you already have. If you currently ride a mountain bike that works for you on the trail, chances are it will make a very capable bike packing rig with few modifications.